Small business logos require some thought and design

One of the most effective ways for small businesses to market themselves is by adopting a striking and memorable logo.

Small businesses can make their websites more informational with webinars

A lot of the motivation for local companies and small businesses to create high-quality websites is that it makes it easier to reach the top of Google’s search algorithms.

Small businesses prepare for the launch of Google+ commercial profiles

When Google+ opens to all users later this year, there will be some significant changes to the internet marketing landscape.

Embrace the changing times by marketing a small business with podcasts

Long after the debut of the television, radio was still a force to be reckoned with.

Small business marketing often hinges on the identification of a niche

Understanding how to market a small business is as simple as grasping the identity of a company’s niche.

Tumblr is an effective social media platform for small businesses

Many social networking websites provide benefits for small businesses.

The next generation of social media requires a degree of experience

In addition to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace and Google+, there is a new breed of social media websites and services that should be of great interest to small businesses.

Blogs are excellent for small businesses – when properly written

Search engine optimization campaigns demand fresh content that’s timely and unique.

Video chat may change how small businesses market themselves

When small businesses conduct campaigns to market themselves and raise brand awareness, they are often held hostage by the platforms they use.

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