Power Banks as Promotional Products

Everyone has a smartphone now.   People are relying on smartphones and tablets to communicate with the world. They’re carrying these devices everywhere and they end up with low battery charges because of constant use. This is why power banks are quite popular.   You can use power banks as promotional products and be sure … Read more

Small business marketers should keep up with the 2012 branding trends

The books have yet to close on 2011, but it seems as if analysts are already finished with that year and moving on to the next.

Exceptions to common small business marketing plans

There are quite a few rules for small business marketers that may seem ironclad.

Small businesses should create memorable seasonal promotions

One of the best ways for a company to stand out in a community and from its competition is by holding memorable events.

Facebook is willing to lend a hand to small business marketers

The emphasis on social media for small business marketers has always been strong, but it is becoming more important than ever before now that more tools are emerging for local companies to take advantage of. With the emergence of new services such as Google+, older organizations are seeking to bolster their roles in the small … Read more

Small business marketing often hinges on the identification of a niche

Understanding how to market a small business is as simple as grasping the identity of a company’s niche.

Small business marketers still unsure about using the internet

Quite a few small business owners and managers have resolved to take advantage of the many tools the internet offers to companies.

Small business marketers need to know their limits

With the internet in place as the new proving ground for small businesses and marketers, it may seem as if anyone can join the fray.

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