The subtle marketing of the 21st century

While the options for promoting a brand or company seem more plentiful than ever, it’s important to take a step back and consider the actual atmosphere of advertising in 2011. Peter DeLegge of Marketing Today reminds us of a few sobering facts. Consumers will see attempts at brand marketing hundreds of times in a day, … Read more

Strategic brand development will generate revenue

According to the American Marketing Association, a company’s brand can potentially serve as a powerful competitive advantage.

Branding expert says connection is key to recognition

Woolworths’ new hardware chain, Masters Home Improvement, recently unveiled a $3 billion venture that seeks to increase their brand’s recognition among consumers. The organization has introduced a logo that it hopes potential customers will quickly find memorable, according to Startup Smart. “For Masters, we wanted something timeless that would be instantly memorable and recognizable,” Hans … Read more

Ways for small businesses to incorporate branding into their strategies

Creating a worthy brand name is perhaps one of the most challenging creative aspects of any small business. There are certain strategies that should be taken into consideration when deciding on ways to market a company. Small Business Branding reports that although a logo is important, it’s not something a small business should spend a … Read more

Branding is synonymous with business

The Guardian reports that though there is actually no single definition for the term “brand,” but that all organizations seem to wind up with one, regardless.

B2B marketing budgets on the rise with focus on branding

The results of a survey conducted by Forrester reveal that marketing budgets are up nearly seven percent for businesses.

Effective business marketing campaigns increase an organization’s value

However, for business owners who have any interest in selling their businesses down the road, one of the easiest ways to improve the value of their companies is by creating an effective business marketing campaign, according to

Improving your business and brand through word of mouth

Word of mouth – it’s an age-old concept but it continues to be the mantra to live by when it comes to increasing business sales.

Using your advertising budget wisely on promotional products

Many companies lack the advertising budget to reserve television and radio spots to market their services.

Using green promotional products for social consciousness

As sustainable business practices become more common in the workplace, more companies are turning to green promotional products to exhibit social consciousness.

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