Free samples are excellent brand ambassadors for small businesses

Giving out free samples of select products might seem like a practice that only food and beverage companies should engage in.

America’s top five promotional product markets

The Advertising Specialty Institute’s (ASI) Counselor Magazine has ranked the top 100 American cities and metropolitan areas for selling promotional materials.

Using mobile devices is the next step in small business marketing

The era of the smartphone has arrived, and small businesses would do well to take advantage of this trend.

Blogs are an ideal marketing forum for a small business

Blogging may seem like something individuals do to share stories or communicate with like-minded people. However, more and more companies are using blogs to market their products and services.

Focusing on core customers should come first for small businesses

The power of direct marketing is significant, but like all marketing methods it has its limits. Seeing an advertisement or hearing a commercial will certainly make an impression on a customer.

Building a customer base in a small community

The vast majority of marketing that people see every day is aimed at a national audience. Television commercials, advertisements in magazines and internet pop-ups are for the most part from large advertising firms that boast large advertising budgets.

Branding products should be about quality, not quantity

The foundation of a functioning economy is the freedom of choice that a variety of products provides. However, researchers have increasingly found that choice is only efficient up to a certain point.

Branding expert says connection is key to recognition

Woolworths’ new hardware chain, Masters Home Improvement, recently unveiled a $3 billion venture that seeks to increase their brand’s recognition among consumers. The organization has introduced a logo that it hopes potential customers will quickly find memorable, according to Startup Smart. “For Masters, we wanted something timeless that would be instantly memorable and recognizable,” Hans … Read more

Ways for small businesses to incorporate branding into their strategies

Creating a worthy brand name is perhaps one of the most challenging creative aspects of any small business. There are certain strategies that should be taken into consideration when deciding on ways to market a company. Small Business Branding reports that although a logo is important, it’s not something a small business should spend a … Read more

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