Free samples are excellent brand ambassadors for small businesses

Giving out free samples of select products might seem like a practice that only food and beverage companies should engage in. At the same time, many small businesses find success having given out free products to consumers at random. The trick lies in choosing the right products and services to give away.

Consider how restaurants or grocery stores give away samples. Usually, the model they follow involves giving just enough of a taste so that customers can appreciate the product in question without becoming totally satisfied. It might be just a bite of a sandwich or a few sips of a drink. Soon, they will be interested in purchasing the entire meal or beverage and will continue to do so on a regular basis. This same strategy can be applied to most industries.

A financial company, such as a brokerage or accounting firm, profits by providing economic expertise that consumers typically lack. Why not give consumers a small taste of that expertise? Such companies could opt to offer free consultations of 10 minutes or less, giving the customer a chance to build enough confidence in the company to fully invest in their financial services.

Ultimately, the goal of any small business is to function as its own marketing and advertising firm by providing consumers with abstract examples of how their products or services might improve their lives. Free samples showcase the company’s merits, but some businesses may want to offer promotional products instead, which serve to remind consumers of a company’s presence in a helpful, useful manner.

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