Uncommon marketing events that grab consumer attention

Many of the most common small business marketing tactics that are discussed on the internet and by professional consultants can be described as slow-burn ideas.

Synergy provides a viable marketing strategy for small businesses

It might be an overused industry buzzword, but synergy is an important term for small business marketers to learn.

Small business marketing strategies for B2B efforts

A lot of marketing advice these days focuses on ways that companies can connect to customers.

Tumblr is an effective social media platform for small businesses

Many social networking websites provide benefits for small businesses.

Small business marketing could be improved by using QR codes

One of the most difficult challenges that small business marketers face today is the rapid pace at which consumers are adopting new technology.

The importance of history for small business marketing

The internet and its wealth of information have a curious effect on modern consumers.

Search engine basics for small business owners

The internet is quickly becoming the new battleground for businesses, large and small, to succeed or fail upon

Using mobile devices is the next step in small business marketing

The era of the smartphone has arrived, and small businesses would do well to take advantage of this trend.

Focusing on core customers should come first for small businesses

The power of direct marketing is significant, but like all marketing methods it has its limits. Seeing an advertisement or hearing a commercial will certainly make an impression on a customer.

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