Small business marketing could be improved by using QR codes

One of the most difficult challenges that small business marketers face today is the rapid pace at which consumers are adopting new technology. It seems as if the moment that companies have figured out a way to reach customers through a medium or device, consumers have moved on to something new. The past decade has seen the internet transform from a slow-moving stationary experience to a handheld mobile existence. As a result, small businesses need to adapt if they’re going to continue to appeal to individuals.

A recent trend that is beginning to take off is the placement of QR codes on all sorts of advertising. QR codes are essentially black and white grids that function much like bar codes and can be scanned by a smartphone to access information and websites.

This technology has been popular in Japan for years but it’s only now beginning to take off in North America. Here are some reasons why QR codes are an excellent way to take advantage of this phenomenon.

QR code searches are instantaneous
One of the limiting factors of smartphones is that they aren’t nearly as easy to use as desktop PCs. That may soon change, but for the time being, consumers are still learning how to effectively use handheld devices to navigate the internet. QR codes instantly link a mobile device to a company’s website or social media profile and leaves little to chance.

They can be used in many ways
QR codes can be placed in a variety of media platforms and on all sorts of products. Print media can bear the images, while video and television are capable of broadcasting them long enough for a consumer to take a picture. Even promotional products, such as personalized mugs or promotional calendars,can be imprinted with these images to instantly enable consumers to land on an organization’s site.

For now, it’s fun
There may come a time when QR codes are boring and part of every day life. At that point, consumers may not be interested in using them for the sheer novelty of the experience. However, right now, the tool will likely draw as much attention as it does traffic. Young people will see it as a scavenger hunt, and older people will be impressed by the sheer power of the technology involved. Online marketers and small business advertisers who wish to positing their companies as thoroughly modern will likely find that QR codes will be effective.

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