Promotional mugs – an excellent small business marketing solution

Many marketers and advertisers spend the bulk of their careers trying to solve a single problem – how to expose their promotional material to the greatest number of people possible.

Promotional bottle opener keyrings are excellent branding items

How many times have you been at a gathering and found that you or someone in your party required a bottle opener and there wasn’t one to be had? Now imagine that a guest nearby comes to the rescue with a handy keychain bottle opener. Everyone cheers and wants to take a look at this … Read more

Small business promotion can be accomplished during a recession

While belts are tightening and budgets are shrinking, many small businesses are falling back and reducing the resources that they expend on marketing. This is a perfectly reasonable response, but it should be done with care and caution. There are some ways that companies can rally in such an atmosphere and actually find greater success … Read more

Social media marketing for small businesses is becoming more important

Some companies may find it daunting to enter the world of online marketing and social media, but it is important for them to keep in mind that it is rapidly becoming a crucial part of doing business.

Memorable small business promotions are successful small business promotions

Small businesses often find themselves in the unlucky position of needing to stand out while navigating a small budget.

Small businesses should begin marketing by establishing their place in a community

The majority of small businesses are confined to a limited geographic area.

Aluminum sports bottles are useful promotional products

Certain promotional products are best when offered to specific customer niche groups.

Accumulating links should be a priority for any small business website marketing effort

Many of the efforts undertaken by small business owners who take charge of their companies’ marketing campaigns have singular purposes.

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