Google is the ultimate small business marketing service

Small businesses interested in marketing themselves on the internet should realize that Google is the predominant force with which they must contend.

Tips for a cohesive online small business marketing strategy

There is quite a lot for small business owners and marketers to keep in mind when they begin a campaign of advertising on the internet.

Some small business marketing advice from the playbook of Microsoft

The tragic death of Apple CEO Steve Jobs earlier this year has created an outpouring of articles about the life and style of this brilliant man. However, there is another visionary who is still among us who has arguably done more to influence the world.

Exceptions to common small business marketing plans

There are quite a few rules for small business marketers that may seem ironclad.

Adding old school salesmanship to modern methods

In the past, salespeople’s primary task was to establish relationships with customers.

The Christmas season offers plenty of chances for businesses to reward customers

An essential part of engaging in a brand awareness strategy is forming a connection with customers.

Social media lends a whole lot of help to small businesses

Many local companies are discovering that social networking sites offers excellent supplementary services that can perfectly complement offline or traditional marketing techniques.

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