Google is the ultimate small business marketing service

Small businesses interested in marketing themselves on the internet should realize that Google is the predominant force with which they must contend. Besides controlling the results of searches and organizing the detailed maps, Google produces a number of platforms and services that companies would do well to take advantage of if they want to have a significant online.

A recent addition to their corral of marketing tools is Google Checkout, which makes shopping online more streamlined and efficient for companies that sell goods and services on the web. Understanding the features of this exciting service can transform any retail-oriented organization from a struggling online operation to a successful marketing machine. Consider the following reasons to embrace Google Checkout.

A wider perspective
Sites like Groupon have become remarkably popular in the past few years thanks to the rise of the internet. With a ready supply of users willing to share information about deals, discounts and promotions, the web is the perfect place to offer notifications about sales. However, that platform and others are mostly limited to the customers that have registered for them. While there may be some overlap, engaging with multiple groups can be difficult for a company with limited time and a small budget.

Google Checkout takes the same approach to deals and sales by allowing consumers who have signed up for a Google account to search for products and services online. When results are displayed, an icon for this new service appears. Essentially, Google Checkout allows customers to expedite the purchasing process and can be used to display data about promotions that the retailer may be offering at the moment.

Expanding scopes
The power of Google Checkout for small businesses derives mainly from the increased number of people who will be exposed to search results registered with the service. While it may not be fair to make the assumption that Google will give preferential treatment to organizations that use their other services, companies can assume that the popularity of this (like all Google products) must certainly be on the rise.

In addition to a campaign using SEO tactics and social media engagement, Google Checkout and other online promotional aggregators can help make a company appealing to consumers. After all – while sales, discounts and special events may be powerful enticements for customers, they can only succeed at this task when people are aware of them. Any tool that helps spread the word about savings on high-quality goods and services should be a powerful ally for any retail-oriented small business.

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