Promotional products help target Global Employee Health and Fitness Month
May is Global Employee Health and Fitness Month (GEHFM), which is celebrated in partnership with the National Association for Health and Fitness and ACTIVE Life.
May is Global Employee Health and Fitness Month (GEHFM), which is celebrated in partnership with the National Association for Health and Fitness and ACTIVE Life.
April is traditionally seen as a month of renewal after the dreary winter season.
Promotional products can be branded with information on how to reduce your daily intake of fat.
Potential clients can be very appreciative of a company that keeps personal health in mind.
Typically, gyms experience a surge in popularity during the months of January to March, so why not capitalize on this fitness trend with exercise-themed promotional products?
Small businesses should always be looking to support a good cause with promotional products, and the upcoming month of February is American Heart Month.
A good public image can open lots of doors for a small business owner, and supporting any charitable organization can ensure long-term success.
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