Promotional products help target Global Employee Health and Fitness Month

May is Global Employee Health and Fitness Month (GEHFM), which is celebrated in partnership with the National Association for Health and Fitness and ACTIVE Life. The goal of GEFHM is to increase employee health awareness, develop exercise in the workplace and established company-wide policies and health goals.

Small business owners should consider the ways they can model healthy practices among their employees and be seen a leaders when it comes to health in the workplace by clients. Promotional items are a great way to advocate for healthy lifestyles while associating a business with this philosophy. Tying in any monthly client promotional with health-based practices is a good way to increase branding strategies. Consider how promotional giveaways can reflect a culture of health to both employees and clients.

A reusable water bottle with a company logo is a great place to begin promoting health. Drinking soda and other sugary drinks increases the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Providing employees and clients with reusable water bottles suggests a healthy alternative to a large soft drink with lunch. It is best if companies also provide a source of filtered water for employee and client consumption. A recycled water bottle should increase employee attention to hydration while also reducing the amount of waste in the workplace. Linking health practices and green business is a strategy that can help companies see global benefits.

Employers can think creatively when it comes to increasing physical activities in the office. Companies should offer promotional flying discs and beach balls, which are fun and multifunctional. Depending on their weight, individuals can burn up to 250 calories for 30 minutes of tossing a flying disk. Consider the ways that branding these items for employee use and client promotions can align the company with both health and leisure. This item will be particularly useful in spring and summer as people flock to outdoor spaces. These objects can also lead to fun team building and problem-solving exercises in the workplace. They are likely to be popular promotional event giveaways at recruitment fairs and trade shows.

These practices should be coupled with healthy food alternatives at company meetings and parties. Take advantage of the ways that associating a business with health can ensure longevity in worker productivity as well as the company’s reputation with clients.

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