Social media lends a whole lot of help to small businesses

Many local companies are discovering that social networking sites offers excellent supplementary services that can perfectly complement offline or traditional marketing techniques.

Small business social networking requires a plan

Companies that wish to take advantage of increasingly popular online platforms should do so carefully.

Internet marketing strategies for a small business should include Facebook

Ever-changing and still the most popular social media platform, Facebook is a great way for companies to connect with loyal customers and new consumers.

The next generation of social media requires a degree of experience

In addition to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace and Google+, there is a new breed of social media websites and services that should be of great interest to small businesses.

When it comes to online social media, small businesses have choices to make

With so many options available, social media marketing can be a difficult enterprise for small businesses.

Social media involves more than Facebook and Twitter

A recent survey by Constant Contact found that 73 percent of small and medium-sized businesses engage in active social media marketing campaigns.

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