Small business marketing tips abound at blogging telesummits

Many companies find that trade shows or other industry events are excellent ways to learn more about the sectors in which they work. Unfortunately, most organizations aren’t going to be able to attend such gatherings unless they’ve saved enough for a sizable travel budget, or if the event is happening relatively close to their offices.

However, modern technology that is revolutionizing how companies market themselves also makes communication between organizations easier. That is why webinairs and telesummits are such valuable tools. Businesses that want to find out more about a particular subject that can help improve their brand awareness campaigns can do so simply by sitting in front of a computer monitor.

One such event is the Business Blogging Telesummit that will occur from December 12 to 16. It is completely free to join, and registration has already begun. Small companies and local businesses can particularly benefit from this kind of brain trust that will see enterprises sharing their thoughts about how best to reach customers and get their names and images out to the public.

The telesummit will focus on a number of strategies, but there are three in particular that will be explored in greater depth when everyone’s computers are tuned in next month.

Business blogs as home bases
Organizations that want to advertise online, whether organically or through traditional methods, must realize that their internet marketing efforts should be varied and numerous. It isn’t enough to simply create a company website. Rather, businesses should have presences on social media platforms in addition to their home pages and blogs. The organization of these presences should be done carefully, the optimal pattern being that a business’ blog should form the hub of its online identify. Blogs allow businesses to make their messages clear, detailed and unequivocal.

Social media outposts
Companies cannot succeed solely through social media if for no other reason than the fact that there isn’t enough room to go into detail in a Facebook post or tweet. Instead, social media profiles can function as outposts for a greater online existence. When a customers come across a social media profile, the intent should be to somehow redirect them back to the hub in the form of a blog or company site.

Information products
Sharing data and information is important for businesses marketing themselves online, but there needs to be inherent value in that information for it to engage and intrigue consumers. Without some actionable tips or valuable insights, clients will understand that text is simply a placeholder meant to attract people’s attention. Prove a company’s worth by showcasing its expertise and don’t make consumers feel as if they’re being tricked.

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