Growing a New Business? Don’t Forget to Reward Referral Business

Growth is all about finding your next leads. Now, more than ever, it’s not enough to be satisfied or remain stagnant with your current customer base. New companies need to focus on opportunities for generating new customers as they scale and expand. 

Starting a referral program is one of the most effective ways to scale your company in a sustainable way. When you consider that more than 90% of people trust referrals from people they know, and 65% of new business deals come from referrals, it makes perfect sense that investing in this form of marketing would be worth it.

The key is to reward the people and companies that send new business your way. But how?

One way to show your appreciation is through a meaningful gift to say “thank you.” There are some stellar gifts you can send out that will let your referrers know how grateful you are.

Consider gift options like these as you beef up your new company’s referral program and learn how to steadily generate qualified leads for your business.

Build business relationships with office gifts

Did you know that 57% of companies use partnerships to drum up new business? This means that nurturing your relationships with other businesses is just as important as staying connected to your customers. 

If a company in your industry sends customers your way, go all out by rewarding them with business-oriented gifts that not only say “Thanks!” but also improve their ability to do their jobs. Here are some relevant, customizable options to show your appreciation:

Aligning yourself with other likeminded companies can help you survive the ebbs and flows of business including inflation or economic downturns. Solidify these relationships with other businesses and sharing client leads with each other will become second nature.

Reward customers with branded swag

Customer relationships are the greatest investments that you can make. About 46% of consumers value brand trust so much that they wouldn’t mind paying more for the same service. 

Don’t waste an opportunity to thank your customers when they send a friend or family member your way. They already love what you do enough to spread the word. You can double down on this relationship by sending them a branded gift:

These gifts will strike a chord with your customers because they’re both unique and useful. They weren’t necessarily expecting anything in return when they sent new business your way, so receiving high-quality freebies as a show of appreciation will make a lasting impression.

Give thoughtful gifts to encourage more referrals

Knowing your gift recipients on a personal level always gives you a competitive edge. People will appreciate your gifts when they feel custom-made and thoughtful, so take time to research what they like and then choose the appropriate gift. This skill will strengthen your ability to get new leads by rewarding referrers and encouraging them to continue recommending your business, which will turn into more customers and greater profitability.

Consider your gift recipient’s industry or any hobbies or interests they have. Here are some gift ideas that can hit the right mark:

These gifts show personality and are specific to people’s lifestyles. Not only will they exhibit emotional intelligence by going above and beyond to show gratitude, but you’ll get an even bigger return on investment (ROI) by incentivizing them to keep sending fresh leads your way. 

Give out lights and nifty gadgets

Sometimes, “cool” is the best way to say thank you. People love freebies, particularly when they’re well-designed and serve a purpose. Nifty little tech and convenience gadgets will get plenty of use and are conversation starters.

Consider these gifts to light up your customers’ worlds and upgrade their tech:

People love to stay connected in today’s digital landscape, and these sorts of gifts have universal appeal. They feature screen-printed logos and color schemes so that every single use becomes a reference point for your company and brand.

Reward your referrals

New businesses that stand the test of time never do so by accident. Drumming up new business requires constant dedication and focus on generating new leads and bringing in customers. Prioritize referrals in order to do just that.

Let these gifts stoke your creative fire so that you can find new and different ways to thank referrers. Gratitude is infectious, and you’ll keep getting a return on your investment when you go out of your way to reward the people that already believe in your business enough to share its value with others.

Consider these tips and browse our inventory the next time you’re in the market for a referral gift that will achieve winning results. 

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