Small business blogs need to vary content in more ways than one

One of the most effective ways to increase the success of search engine optimization (SEO) techniques is to keep a company blog. In addition to providing interesting and useful content for customers to browse, a blog fulfills Google’s demand for unique information. However, besides simply adding timely info, a blog needs to vary from post to post.

One way to accomplish this is to make the topics different from entry to entry. Many blogging platforms allow posts to be “tagged” with various categories that can be monitored by search engines. Tags should be chosen from keywords and phrases associated with terms that yield a high number of search result hits.

Of course, a deceptively simple way to vary posts is to change their lengths from one entry to another. Google algorithms will quickly realize that posts with different word counts are unique and will assign weight to those factors. From customers’ points of view, blog posts with differing lengths will be a welcome sight that proves a website is regularly maintained and updated.

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