Dentists should advertise around the holidays

According to the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC), holiday food can lead to poor dental health. In 2010, URMC found that many common holiday foods contain sugar, which is eaten by microbes found in the human mouth. Bacteria sticks to teeth and chips away at enamel as it ingests the sugar particles.

Dentists can capitalize on the amount of sugar eaten around the holidays with their promotional giveaways. Patients may not realize the oral damage they’re doing during their seasonal celebrations, but medical professionals can inform consumers of the dangers while encouraging new appointments.

Doctors can touch base with their clients by sending personalized Christmas cards with holiday health tips and reminders to schedule checkups. Patients may be surprised to learn about the amount of harm they’re doing to their teeth, but letters can make sure that information is readily available. Dentists can also include tooth-shaped promotional magnets with their phone numbers so clients can make appointments as soon as their festivities are complete.

No one wants to hide their teeth while they smile during the holidays and dentists can help ensure that all of their patients have pearly whites by reminding consumers to come in for cleanings

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