Helping parents keep school costs down

According to The New York Times, school lunch prices rose in 2011 due to nutritional guidelines set forth by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. The School Nutrition Association (SNA) recently reported that 78.3 percent of schools have seen increases in food costs.

Parents might not be able to afford these rising prices, but must still provide their children with nutritional lunches. Businesses can help by giving away branded lunch boxes. These promotional items can help mothers and fathers cut costs by encouraging them to pack meals for their kids.

Consumers appreciate companies that help them save money. You can endear yourself to your patrons with lunch boxes, because the giveaways eliminate the costs of school meals and paper bags.

While kids will use your unique promotional products in school, parents are the ones who pack the meals every day. In the morning while preparing their kids’ lunches, mothers and fathers will see your logos and develop brand recognition.

Saving money is almost every consumer’s goal, especially during the holiday season. Small businesses can help their customers stay frugal with promotional lunch boxes. The giveaways may be well-appreciated as they’re used every day in school.

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