Spooky promotional products for Halloween

Halloween has become more popular over the last few years. According to 2011 estimates from the National Retail Federation (NRF) and BIGResearch, spending for the holiday increased 9 percent over 2010 to reach $6.86 billion. Small businesses can leverage Halloween’s increasing profile by tying promotional products to October’s last day.

Companies can give away spooky gifts to capitalize on the spirit of the holiday. Timely promotional items can create more business in the short-term and maintain a long-term advertising presence because they last well beyond October 31.

Making everyday gifts scary
While Halloween is only one day, people enjoy its spirit all month long through decorations and costumes. Companies should look at October as a single period so their giveaways have a larger impact.

Any promotional product can be modeled after some of Halloween’s most popular symbols and motifs. For example, promotional pens can be decorated with ghosts and goblins surrounding a business’ logo. These gifts can be given to consumers early to raise an establishment’s profile over the course of the entire month.

Walking around a neighborhood and collecting candy might be some of the fondest memories older Halloween revelers have of the holiday. Small business owners could give customers sweet treats as the 31st approaches. A tin of sugary confections might not seem like a big gift, but clients will enjoy the snack and appreciate a business that celebrates Halloween traditions.

Companies could appeal to families with younger children by giving away logo tote bags to bring on trick-or-treating trips. Parents will appreciate having an easy way to haul all their kids’ candy, while the young ones will eagerly anticipate filling the bag to capacity.

Lasting beyond Halloween
For some small business owners, it may not make sense to create a marketing campaign based around a single day because they need to stretch their advertising budget as far as possible. Promo items with functionality beyond Halloween will still be used by consumers to create a consistent brand presence.

Customers could use most Halloween gifts well after the holiday passes. For example, pens with ghosts and ghouls emblazoned on the side can still be used for writing notes, and tote bags can be used to carry groceries. Functional giveaways are lasting advertisements even if they are a little spooky.

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