Are You Making These Four Marketing Mistakes?

    1. Having a website that is not optimized
      Avoiding SEO or search engine optimization can be a huge disadvantage to your business. Optimizing your website allows you to rank in Google’s search results for specific keywords that are important to your business. Once your website is ranking in search, traffic to your website increases which will eventually increase your sales as well. 
    2. Don’t have a Google My Business account?
      Not having a Google My Business account is a huge mistake for businesses. Utilize Google My Business to rank in local search. Have a brick and mortar store? Great! Local search should be a breeze. Don’t have a storefront? Appearing in local search is still important! You will have to provide Google My Business with an address (whether it is your home address or the address your business phone or loan is register with), so keep it consistent across all platforms. 
    3. Not utilizing Promotional Products
      If you’re not using personalized promotional products, you should order some today! These products are essential for all types of businesses. Giving your potential customers a promotional item such as a pen with your logo on it is one of the easiest and most effective ways to market your brand. 
    4. Failing to Blog
      Blog, Blog, Blog! Pushing out valuable content to your customers or subscribers is crucial! Give your potential customers content to read, share or comment on so that they keep coming back for more. When you write a valuable blog, posting it automatically gives you credibility in your industry.

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