5 Low-Cost Marketing Tips To Grow Your Business

Traditional marketing techniques have been supplemented with digital marketing strategies. If you’re looking to put your business on the map and don’t have a major marketing budget, try these top tips to market your company effectively – and at a low cost:

  1. Social Media Engagement
    The average American spends about 2 hours a day checking their social media. Use engaging posts that ask and answer questions your audience is curious about. Avoid being salesy in nature. Rather, be informative. Add value to your content and explain how your company can fix the problem at hand. End with a brief call to action about your business (i.e., link to the website).
  2. Brand Ambassadors
    Especially good for businesses that sell products, a brand ambassador is a person that is hired to help raise awareness for your brand via events, product placement, online and other platforms. Brand ambassadors are people who are in tune with your products or services as well as what message you want to communicate to customers.
  3. Targeted Ads
    Specify your market – demographic and location – set your budget and generate an ad. Ads can be run via various social media platforms. If you’re a brick and mortar business, targeted local ad placement on Google will help with visibility in your community. If you’re not a brick and mortar, targeted ads can still be beneficial – the key is to apply buyer personas so that you can figure out what types of businesses your customers work for and what positions they are in.
  4. Promotional Products
    Giving out products with your name or logo on them can work wonders for small and large businesses alike. A inexpensive way to advertise is to put your brand name on a pen like this best selling, stylish Jolie Promo Pen from Myron. If you want to stay on the cutting edge of technology while being cost effective, go with something like a Compact Power Bank Charger.
  5. Product Placement
    Getting your product into the hands of influencers that will not just wear or use your products, but talk about it as well is ideal. Before giving away product, you should have an agreement in place with terms for accepting free product. (i.e,. a minimum number of social media posts) to avoid misunderstandings.

Utilizing these tips, you can quickly and effectively market your company.


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