Thank your volunteers on Make A Difference Day

Oct. 25 is Make A Difference Day, when volunteers around the country work together to improve their community and the lives of others. According to the Make A Difference website, it’s the most celebrated community service day in the U.S. and has millions of participants each year.

Getting involved
Your company might already have a tradition for Make A Difference Day, but if it doesn’t, this year is a great time to start one. You can organize your own event, like a community cleanup or food drive, or join a project in your community. Visit the Make A Difference website to find events in your area. You can give staff input on what type of service they would like to do. Any cause you volunteer your time to will be grateful and it will be a morale-booster for your company.

If you chose to organize your own event, let community members get involved. You can even see if a local school wants to partner with your company. The more people that get involved, the bigger the impact your service will have.

Thanking your volunteers
After your event, you’ll want to thank your staff and volunteers for their time and hard work. KnowHowNonProfit suggested that you tailor your thanks to each individual volunteer. You can choose to send Thank You Business Greeting Cards, make phone calls or create a volunteer board in the office. These actions will let each person that their time was valued and that they made a difference.

Another option is to give a small gift to your volunteers. A Promotional LED Keyring or The Spooner Custom Oval Mug are both good options. These items are thoughtful and useful but aren’t so lavish that they’ll outshine the reward of doing service for the benefit of the community.

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