Use promotional items to capitalize on Facebook’s hashtags

There are many features you can emblazon on your promotional marketing products, but hashtags may be among the most important. As social media has come to dominate many facets of everyday life, using sponsored materials to increase a company’s online presence has become essential for every small business owners.

The importance of hashtags cannot be understated, especially because Facebook recently began using the feature. In early June 2013, the social network announced that users could now place pound signs before keywords to create searchable content. Once people submit their hashtags, the updates are automatically stored on a page with similar messages.

This means that companies that use Facebook for marketing purposes have to find ways to capitalize on hashtags. With promotional items, this process is relatively simple. Small business owners can emblazon their digital taglinesĀ on every item to ensure that customers will use the hashtag online.

Alternatively, entrepreneurs can encourage customers to use hashtags by holding special contests and using unique promotional products as prizes. This approach actively engages followers and compels them to interact with a brand, which doesn’t always happen with basic status updates and other content.

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