Moon Day is July 20

In the course of human history, there are a few events that are recognized as key points that show what mankind is capable of achieving. One of those days was on June 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon. This isn’t an accomplishment that’s been forgotten as it’s celebrated annually.

According to Holiday Insights, July 20 is known as Moon Day and is dedicated to recognizing the outstanding accomplishment that was Armstrong’s first lunar steps. That achievement started the public’s widespread infatuation with outer space.

Small business owners can celebrate Moon Day by distributing unique promotional products that have been decorated with intergalactic graphics. A simple picture of the moon can be emblazoned on every item so consumers will be reminded of what was accomplished in 1969.

Alternatively, entrepreneurs can go the extra mile by emphasizing the lunar cycle in promotional wall calendars. Using the logo-emblazoned items to tell customers when the moon will wax and wane over the coming months is a great way to acknowledge Moon Day.

Ultimately, July 20 is a historic day that all small business owners should recognize and use for marketing purposes.

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