Collegiate baseball squad using promotional giveaways to bring fans to the field

With the recent end of the NHL season, baseball is the only major sport that’s currently active. America’s pastime is shifting into high gear as July approaches and teams at every level are looking for ways to bring crowds to the park.

For instance, the West Virginia Miners, a collegiate baseball team that plays in a summer league, will rely on promotional giveaways to draw fans throughout the summer, according to The Register-Herald. Gary Pollard, the team’s rookie director of marketing and promotions, wants to connect players, fans and sponsors through this years events.

“You get a chance to meet the players and get autographs, and we really want our fans to get in contact with our sponsors, because we want to network everybody. That’s pretty much what I do here. I want to network our community with our sponsors and get them acquainted,” said Pollard.

This is a goal that small business owners should also strive to achieve when distributing promotional marketing products. Entrepreneurs should endear themselves to the community so that customers will become loyal to the enterprise for an extended period of time. Ultimately, this will help a company succeed in the long run.

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