June is Great Outdoors Month

Every month has special causes and themes attached to it. These celebrations allow small businesses to hold unique promotional giveaways to enhance brand recognition and attract new customers.

June features the first day of summer, and government officials across the United States have begun encouraging Americans to go outside and enjoy nature this month by declaring it Great Outdoors Month. According to the Department of Natural Resources in Wisconsin, Governor Scott Walker signed a proclamation officially designating the month in late May. The Sierra Sun Times points out that California Governor Jerry Brown made a similar decree, and the Pilot Independent reports that Governor Mark Dayton in Montana did the same.

While state governments are doing their best to encourage Americans to enjoy the great outdoors, the effort may not be enough. Small business owners can play influential roles and raise awareness for Great Outdoors Month. Specifically, promotional marketing products can motivate customers to go outside and spend less time in their houses. Some consumers might be hesitant to leave their homes without their creature comforts. Entrepreneurs can ensure that clients have all the right supplies so that they are willing to get out during Great Outdoors Month and enjoy all that mother nature has to offer.

Not a drop to drink
Great Outdoors Month is supposed to be a fun time for everyone, and there are many enjoyable activities that people can participate in this month. For instance, Governor Dayton recommends that citizens spend time exploring Montana’s state parks and trails. Alternatively, Americans could spend their time climbing mountains, fishing, boating, swimming or even just going for nice jogs throughout June. Unfortunately, the weather doesn’t usually lend itself to many people’s plans. As the month wears on and summer draws near, the temperature will start climbing. What’s more, many people might be at risk of dehydration as it gets hotter and hotter.

Small business owners can ensure that customers aren’t bothered by the heat by distributing sponsored water bottles as promotional items. The functional containers are perfect to bring along on any outdoor adventure, whether a customer wants to hike a tall hill or bike a lengthy trail. Moreover, the bottles are durable so they won’t be destroyed during a dangerous outing. This ensures that customers will have their gifts for extended periods of time so that they will learn to recognize a brand.

Don’t get lost
Mother nature can be unforgiving at times. During outdoor trips, consumers are at risk getting lost in the wilderness and left unable to find their way to safety. Whether a person went off the trail or accidentally took a left instead of a right at an intersection, it can be terrifying to be outside without knowing which direction to go or how to find the correct path home. As a result, some Americans might be hesitant to participate in Great Outdoors Month because they don’t to get lost while trying to have fun. After all, losing track of one’s location in an unfamiliar setting isn’t how many people define an enjoyable time.

Small business owners can calm these fears by distributing waterproof flashlights so that customers can read their maps in the dark and navigate through the wilderness. When the sun has set, it’s crucial that people still have light sources available at a moment’s notice. Clients will appreciate these flashlights because the devices will bolster outdoor safety. What’s more, recipients will likely bring their gifts on every outing in the event of an emergency. As a result, customers will develop brand recognition every time they go on an exciting trip to the great outdoors.

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