Celebrate World Health Day with promotional giveaways

Physicians and small business owners can celebrate World Health Day by holding promotional giveaways on April 7. The holiday commemorates the founding of the World Health Organization, which was created in 1948 to address medical issues around the globe. Every year the WHO selects a prevalent health topic to address on World Health Day, and 2013’s issue is high blood pressure.

This health risk is becoming increasingly common in the United States. According to the National Institutes of Health, one out of three Americans suffers from high blood pressure, putting them at risk for heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions.

Doctors should teach their patients how to combat high blood pressure during their giveaways on April 7. Physicians can distribute promotional pens and notepads so clients can write down tips for reducing their blood pressure. A nutritious diet is an important part of fighting this health issue, so medical professionals should carefully explain how to eat healthily while patients take notes.

Small business owners can contribute to World Health Day’s cause by distributing promotional wall calendars. Every page should include facts about blood pressure so consumers know what symptoms to look for and how they can improve their health.

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