Promote healthy living during Family Fit Lifestyle Month

January is Family Fit Lifestyle Month, and small businesses can help their customers participate by distributing unique promotional products. Branded items can raise a company’s visibility while helping consumers learn to lead healthy lifestyles.

Family Fit Lifestyle Month is important because childhood obesity is a growing concern. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of overweight children has tripled over the last 30 years. Parents are role models for their kids and must lead healthy lives to ensure that their children don’t develop bad habits.

Proper diet and exercise are the two keys to staying fit. Parents should ensure that they’re preparing nutritious meals and encouraging their children to stay active.

Healthy eating is a vital part of staying fit. Buying and cooking nutritious foods is a simple strategy to keep the entire family in shape.

Parents can use promotional pens and notepads to write their shopping lists and avoid buying junk food. Mothers and fathers can write down ingredients to healthy meals and stay away from unhealthy items. Additionally, parents can ask their children if there are any nutritious treats they should consider buying.

Businesses can also distribute promotional wall calendars so parents can plan their meals before they go grocery shopping. The Mayo Clinic writes that eating proper portions is an important part of staying healthy. Writing dinner ideas on a calendar allows parents to reduce the amount of food served every night.

Getting active
Proper diet is only a part of being fit – regular exercise is a necessity as well. The Children’s Aid Society (CAS) writes that working out as a family and limiting TV time are effective strategies for keeping off extra pounds. Promotional products can help parents monitor their children’s activities and ensure that they aren’t staying sedentary.

Businesses can give branded pedometers to help mothers and fathers track how much their kids’ move during the day. The functional items can give parents an accurate reading of how many steps their sons and daughters take each day. Families can then use the information to decide on how they should change their exercise habits in order to stay fit.

Staying hydrated is an important part of every exercise routine. Fabio Comana, a spokesperson for the American Council on Exercise, told Men’s Fitness that not drinking the proper amount of fluids can negate the benefits of working out.

“If you don’t hydrate yourself correctly you won’t perform very well and you won’t see results,” Comana said.

Businesses can distribute promotional water bottles during January to help families stay hydrated and reap the benefits of exercising. Parents will appreciate being given functional gifts that can make their workout routines more effective.

Advertising beyond January
January is Family Fit Lifestyles Month, which is fitting, as families should develop healthy habits early in the year. Businesses that encourage physical fitness by distributing promotional marketing products are also creating advertising presences in consumers’ homes for an entire year.

Additionally, promoting good health can help small business owners endear themselves to their communities. Families want to know that companies care about their well-being, and participating in Family Fit Lifestyles Month shows that owners care. Each time the items are used as part of a health plan, consumers will be reminded of a business that truly cares about its patrons.

Promotional items can also be used for non-physical activities. Pens, notepads, calendars and water bottles all have everyday functionality, so even consumers who don’t plan on changing their health habits enjoy the gifts.

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