Potential promotional opportunity days in January

With the holiday season in full swing, it’s time for business owners to start thinking about next year. It’s important that companies develop marketing strategies in advance so that their competitors don’t gain promotional advantages.

January doesn’t have large holidays like Thanksgiving, but there are still celebratory days that you can include with your advertising efforts. Capitalizing on these days can help you start the year off right and build momentum for the next 11 months.

New Year’s Day
A good start can help lead to a strong finish. New Year’s Day is a popular holiday, and businesses can participate by holding events to attract consumers who aren’t working. Unique promotional products can act as incentives for customers who weren’t planning on going out to start the new year.

Small businesses can offer promotional wall calendars to their patrons who come visit on January 1. Bankrate recently recommended that consumers wait until January to buy their calendars, and local establishments can reward this patience with free gifts.

Clients appreciate being given functional products for free, so the branded calendars should increase your customers’ satisfaction. You can also use the promotional products to increase monthly business by including coupons on every page.

Business-to-business vendors can use similar giveaways and distribute personalized calendars and desk planners. Employees and companies want to stay organized during the new year, and establishments that help with that goal will reinforce their relationships.

National Handwriting Day
Since 1977, January 23 has been National Handwriting Day. The Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association (WIMA) chose the date because it is John Hancock’s birthday. The day is meant to celebrate traditional handwriting, even as typing becomes more popular.

Businesses can celebrate National Handwriting Day by distributing promotional pens and notepads to customers. Parents and teachers can use the items to help their children practice handwriting.

Advertising on pens helps businesses by putting marketing materials directly in front of consumers. Customers frequently need to write notes and are exposed to brands every time they use pens. The American Marketing Association’s (AMA) Baltimore Chapter notes that recipients frequently share small gifts, so businesses that distribute pens are advertising to large groups, not just individuals.

While January may not be as hectic as the holiday season, it’s still an important time for businesses.

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