For a high-quality promotional product giveaway, try Logo USB drives

The goal of a promotional product is to offer something useful to a consumer that he will continue to use for quite some time. Over the course of its use, a promotional product imparts a brand, message or image about a company to a customer. The success of such a form of marketing hinges upon the uniqueness of the item as well as its overall usefulness.

Consequently, one of the best promotional products available to small business marketers is the custom USB drive. This type of technology is quickly replacing CDs and even email as the premiere way to transfer and share data. Here are some of the reasons that companies should consider an advertising campaign that utilizes logo USB drives.

Their design varies
The simplest form a promotional USB drive can take is a plastic stick with an end that fits snugly into a computer. There is never any software to download, and files can be copied and pasted with ease. This type of drive is a cheap and effective way to grab the attention of consumers, but companies with a bit more money in their marketing budget can vary their promotional product design a bit. Some of the alternative types available include leather-bound executive USB drives, keychain USB drives that can be hidden in a tasteful bauble and USB pens. All of these serve different purposes on top of their primary function, and each can send a different message along with their branded logo or company name.

Everyone has a use for them
People with all sorts of occupations and from very different walks of life will appreciate a USB drive. With their love for digital media and technology, young people can share movies, pass along songs and keep photos on their person at all times. Business people can keep important work documents with them whenever they travel. Children will even appreciate logo USB drives, as the games they play can often be saved to external data storage devices.

They can hold secrets
A particularly ingenious marketing tactic involves pre-loading logo USB drives with company pictures, catalogs, or other marketing materials, as well as special deals or discounts, and giving them out as part of a promotional product. Of course, companies shouldn’t go overboard and stuff these computer devices full of company data that the user will have to delete in order to utilize the storage on the device for themselves. However, when consumers know that the useful, interesting and free products that a business gives away also come with good information and coupons, they will always be willing to accept a business gift of this sort.

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