Encourage safety with promotional items

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), June is National Safety Month – a time to reflect on making healthy and wise decisions that will have a positive effect and increase the happiness and longevity of people’s lives. Use this month’s theme to issue promo items to your clients that encourage safe habits.

Wellness week

The NSC has dedicated the first week of the month to wellness. This means more exercise and activity, in conjunction with a healthy diet. An article in the Daily Mail outlined the positive effects of breaking a sweat. According to the source, a study by the University of Bristol shows that those who hit the gym before going into the office, or exercised during their lunch break, showed greater competence in coping with the day’s obstacles.

Encourage exercise with your clients, so they in turn will have a more productive and stress-free work week. Give them a BPA-free 24 oz. water bottle with handle with your company’s name emblazoned on the side, accompanied by an encouraging slogan about going that extra mile or getting in one more crucial rep. Your client will be able to use this water canister over and over again as they pump that iron or do a few laps around the track.

You can also give out corporate thank you gifts that encourage activity just by using them. A collapsible promotional flyer will have them getting out of their house and running around the backyard with their children on those sunny June weekends. Also consider giving them a promotional beach ball in a bottle they can use while splashing around in the pool. Your company name will forever be associated with fun and wellness.

Ergonmic initiative

Another major factor of workplace safety and well being the NSC puts a great deal of emphasis in is ergonomics, or how a person functions in the workplace environment. Many times your clients will be so quick to fall into a fear of failure or will worry about the impending deadlines that they will make the crucial error of overexertion. Help be the voice of reason in their lives by sending them promotional giveaways that help them coexist peacefully with their workload.

Give them promotional mugs that bear motivational or relaxing phrases that remind them to step away from the computer and take a deep breath. A promotional magnet that reads “Don’t forget to breath!” will be of service to your client, and they will forever associate your company with caring and consideration.

Safety tips

The greatest detriments to safety can come from the easily avoidable hazards in our everyday lives. Use your corporate promotional giveaways to be that clear-headed reminder, so your client always stays safe.

Give your customers promotional wall calendars with pictures of cars that have safety tips written in bold font. A problem that plagues the road these days is people texting while they drive. So perhaps for the month of June have a picture of person looking at their phone while they are at the wheel with a brightly-colored phrase that reminds them to put the phone down while they are in the driver’s seat.

You can also use custom printed calendars to issue reminders on home safety and preventing fires. A common fire hazard in the domestic environment is people either people overloading outlets or power strips with plugs or not unplugging their appliances after use. These are simple practices that are often forgotten due to distractedness or a busy schedule. Your calendars could be that essential reminder that will keep your clients and their families safe.

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