Essential products for a successful open house

Whether you’ve been in the real estate industry for years or are just starting out, chances are that you get a little stressed when you have a big open house. There are so many things to take care of – getting the owners out of the house, staging the furniture, printing brochures and more. In your rush, you might overlook certain details that can make a big difference to potential buyers, so make sure to have these essential items on hand whenever you host an open house.

There are two reasons every open house should have a sign-in sheet: for marketing purposes and for safety. A proper sign-in sheet collects prospective buyers’ names, contact information and how they learned about the property. This information can be used to tailor marketing practices and let you know what advertising methods are working the best. It’s also important to know who is in the house. MSN Real Estate suggested that you require each individual to present identification to ensure you’re not getting a fake name. This will deter any visitors who might not have good intentions. While a paper and pen will suffice in a crunch, you should try to have a neat, preprinted sign-in sheet at each home. Presenting yourself and your company as professional will create a trusting dynamic with potential buyers.

Dust cloth
As you arrive at the home and begin to open curtains and turn on lights, you might notice that the owners slacked on their cleaning responsibilities. Nolo suggested that a prepared real estate agent always has a dust cloth on hand to polish the end tables and windowsills. A clean, neat home is one that will sell.

Front Door recommended bringing along a nice doormat to help make a great first impression on buyers. The first thing people will do as they enter an open house is glance down and wipe their feet. A high-quality doormat subtly conveys that the property has been taken care of and that the past owners weren’t slobs. It’s a small detail that can contribute to a client’s overall impression of the house.

Promotional products
Finally, don’t let potential buyers leave without a small parting gift. Customized promotional products are a great way to keep your property in visitors’ minds even after they leave. Pick an item that they can use, like Bel Arte Stylus Pens. More creative options might be a Personalized House Shape Stress Reliever or a Custom Metal Key Separator to hold their new house keys.

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