3 ways companies can celebrate Earth Day every day

Earth Day allows people from around the globe to celebrate environmental initiatives. Individuals have the opportunity to participate in a number of activities, including refraining from using electricity for the day and planting flowers throughout the community. However, it’s important to understand that protecting our planet is a yearlong activity and small, everyday actions make a big difference. This year’s Earth Day takes place April 22, and there are several ways in which companies can celebrate this national holiday. Whether they’re trying to promote awareness within their consumer base or attempting to reach a more environmentally-conscious crowd, businesses should consider doing the following:

1. Organize Earth-friendly events
Nonprofit organizations frequently celebrate Earth Day by organizing groups of volunteers to beautify the surrounding community. Companies could craft similar initiatives for members of the area in which they operate. To plan an event for this day, businesses should first determine the target audience for their plans. Will the project be open to the entire community, or will it be geared toward improving eco-consciousness among employees? For example, companies that are looking to expand their consumer base and spread their brand through the event should consider a community-wide program, such as a garden planting project or local concert for the public. Those that are seeking to educate employees about the benefits of eco-friendly practices, however, may be best-suited for closed-events, including company field trips to recycling plants or encouraging participation in Earth Hour, during which participants refrain from using electricity for one hour.

Employers also have the option to join an event already set in place by members of the region. According to the Monroe Courier, citizens living in Monroe, Conn., are invited to participate in the annual roadside clean-up initiative organized by Monroe’s Economic Commission. Each year, to celebrate Earth Day, volunteers gather to help clean the clutter frequently found on roads in the area.

2. Hold contests to promote eco-friendliness
Another way in which businesses can promote Earth Day is by holding contests pertaining to environmental topics. These events are great ways for companies to not only spread the word about saving the planet, but also educate potential buyers about their brand. Some ideas for business contests include asking individuals to create short videos about a green topic, requesting suggestions for implementing eco-friendly initiatives in the office and calling for art submissions pertaining to the Earth.

The City of Decatur, Ga., for instance, will be hosting a T-shirt decorating contest for schoolchildren. According to the Wylde Center, city officials will judge designs at the Decatur Earth Day Festival. Companies that choose to conduct a similar operation can call for contestants on social media pages, websites and in-store locations. Encouraging people to participate may entice them to purchase products from that particular brand. Businesses looking for a reward for the winner should consider promotional products that are both green and useful for consumers.

3. Distribute products to encourage environmental awareness
Myron offers a range of products to encourage best environmental practices for people in varying industries. Companies can choose between several options that promote eco-friendly living, such as reusable items, products that prevent waste and refills for qualifying objects. For example, investing in promotional drinkware may be a great way to hand out products that are both environmental and long-lasting. Coffee mugs are perfect for working individuals. Office workers can keep these items at their desks, then continually refill them throughout the week. Instead of wasting paper cups, these people can keep one mug for an extended period of time.

Sports bottles are another great way to reach the environmentally-conscious crowd. These refillable items can eliminate paper waste, but they additionally encourage greater water consumption.

Every Day is Earth Day
Once Earth Day is over, it’s important for companies to continue promoting eco-friendly ideas and practices. Environmental events and reusable promotional items are great ways for companies to help build awareness and encourage members of the community to live greener and healthier lifestyles 365 days a year.

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