Develop a marketing game plan for the coming year

While many businesses are concerned with attracting shoppers and boosting their sales during the holidays, they should also realize that ’tis the season for some strategizing. As soon as the festivities draw to an end, companies will have to continue this momentum, carrying it all the way through the new year. To make this possibility a reality, organizations should whip out their custom wall calendars now and start drawing up their marketing plan of attack for 2014.

Search Engine Land explained that one of the more common New Year’s resolutions filling small business owners’ heads concerns marketing products to customers. In fact, the Small Business Sentiment Survey carried out by yodel revealed that organizations are preoccupied about how they interact with consumers.

The poll found that the top concern for the coming year was grabbing the attention of new customers, as 42 percent of small business owners stated that they were worried about this task up ahead. Additionally, one-third of company heads claimed that they were also focused on maintaining their current consumer following.

Perhaps the simplest way for organizations to mitigate these fears is to come up with a plan of action in terms of marketing their merchandise to the public. In order to accomplish this, they first need to create an extensive personalized calendar to outline all of their efforts throughout the next twelve months, in addition to determining a proper budget that will enable them to complete everything that they’ve laid out.

Create a budgeting and editorial plan
Unfortunately, due to the startling number of companies that have an Internet presence, there happens to be a great deal of online white noise. As a result, businesses will come to find that they have to actively market themselves so that they can stand out, which requires them to invest time and money into advertising initiatives.

At the moment, one-in-four small businesses have dedicated any portion of their annual budgets to fund marketing ventures. While they may have managed to scrape by this past year, the only way that organizations are going to experience significant results if they begin to invest in developing a thorough advertising plan, especially those involving content marketing.

Forbes pointed out that even this genre of marketing has already been flooded with companies. For this reason, organizations embarking on these endeavors should be prepared, formulating an in-depth, personalized calendar that highlights niche industry topics that they should cover over the course of the year. This will guarantee that they break through all of the buzz, attracting attention to their brands in a strategic manner.

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