Get social to attract consumer attention on Small Business Saturday

As children still have a month or so to go until they are able to enjoy their favorite holidays, Saint Nick and parents know that now is their time to act.

Keeping this in mind, small businesses should be prepared to pull out all of the stops and make the most of this year’s shopping season. If they have not made moves toward whipping out the yuletide cheer, perhaps the perfect time to kick off the annual festivities is Small Business Saturday.

Since 2010, November 30 has been a day completely dedicated to enticing seasonal shoppers to show their support of local organizations, thanks to American Express. NBC Chicago explained that it presents a unique opportunity for companies to appeal to customers in their communities and form connections that may lead to future transactions.

‘Tis the season for social media and sales
Small businesses can truly capitalize from this annual event. At this point, they are probably anxiously waiting to open their doors to droves of customers in nearly a week. However, they should be aware that customers are not going to be able to flock to their stores and purchase shelves-worth of merchandise unless these companies make an effort to coax them into coming.

Businesses big and small are no stranger to the art of seasonal incentives. For companies that do not have the funds to launch extensive commercial campaigns featuring talking polar bears wearing winter gear, showing that they are in the holiday spirit may seem like a challenge.

Granted, it was definitely more difficult for local shops to market themselves and their promotional offers in years past when television was king. But that is no longer the case. As consumers and companies alike have started to tap into online platforms to partake in daily interactions, the value of social media marketing has skyrocketed.

As Small Business Saturday approaches, the news source recommended that local shops should begin to build up the anticipation among their online user following. On all of the social media outlets, companies can not only spread the word about their seasonal steals and deals, but they can also create an overall feeling of excitement. By featuring a daily countdown to the shopping event on multiple platforms, organizations can catch the attention of the public, while tempting everyone to participate and purchase their products.

Entice consumers to come on down
If shops are still wondering how they can turn virtual social media users into paying customers, they should contemplate staging a Small Business Saturday extravaganza in their stores. The Washington Post revealed that festive shindigs are ideal, as they are a mixture of two things that consumers cannot resist – sales and celebration.

By decking out their storefronts with seasonal decorations and offering shoppers beverages and treats, small businesses can attract consumers and put them in a jolly mood. Luckily, American Express is providing free signage to endorse Small Business Saturday online. With everything adorned in holiday paraphernalia, consumers will start thinking about sugarplums and deals.

This would also serve as a promising occasion for them to hand out promotional items. With personalized business gifts outfitted with either brand logos or those accessible through AmEx’s website, companies can continue to generate consumer support just by giving these small tokens of appreciation.

NBC Chicago advised that small businesses should regularly market these events through a variety of social media channels. From posting pictures of their decorated shops to tweeting sales updates, local companies could successfully win over the interest and actual support of the online community. As a result, they may be able to generate optimal sales and encourage customer loyalty with the addition of event giveaways.

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