Chiropractors should market themselves on World Spine Day

October 16 is World Spine Day, which is dedicated toward combating spinal health issues. According to, the awareness day was created in 2012 because it “was not as centrally coordinated as World Arthritis Day or World Osteoporosis Day and for this reason it has received less attention.”

This is a great opportunity for chiropractors to reach out to their current patients and generate new leads. The entire day is designed to combat many of the issues that these medical professionals treat.

Further, marketing on World Spine Day can help chiropractors capitalize on the growing demand for their services. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, people of all ages, especially seniors, are seeking medical care for their backs, necks and other important body parts. What’s more, the BLS points out that many insurance plans now cover chiropractor treatments, making them more affordable and accessible for patients. This means that health care providers have to start building their client base now in order to be successful in the long run.

There are a number different ways chiropractors can advertise their practices on World Spine Day. Below are a few strategies that these medical providers can implement.

Promoting the cause
Holding promotional giveaways on October 16 can help chiropractors stand apart from the competition. Advertisements can be customized to include the phrase “World Spine Day” alongside a practice’s name and contact information. For instance, all three elements would fit perfectly on promotional pens so patients will remember the firm and the awareness day every time they write down some notes.

Of course, chiropractors don’t have to limit themselves to pens as they can use many unique promotional products to fully capitalize on World Spine Day. Key chains, notepads, tote bags, magnets and umbrellas can all be effective tools for advertising both the cause and a chiropractic practice.

Promotional water bottles may be the best items chiropractors can distribute on World Spine Day. Patients have to stay active and exercise to avoid certain ailments. Medical professionals can give away sponsored containers so patients will be motivated to work out to prevent some conditions and injuries.

Go social
Social media has become an important marketing platform in recent years, and chiropractors should use it for their World Spine Day campaigns. Health care providers should use their Facebook and Twitter pages to establish an online presence and open dialogs with patients.

The benefit of social media is that it allows chiropractors to advertise and educate their audience well beyond October 16. Chiropractors should regular post informative content that will help followers learn about various health issues and determine what they can do to stay healthy.

One solid strategy could be posting links to sites with reliable preventative care information. Clients appreciate when medical professionals help them take care of their bodies and avoid future injuries. As a result, some of these patients may remain loyal to a practice and won’t leave to seek treatment from another chiropractor, which will lead to a long-term relationship and recurring business.

Try something unique
In other cases, it may behoove chiropractors to go off the beaten path and develop their own marketing campaigns. Creating a unique initiative allows a medical practice to truly differentiate itself from all of the others that are celebrating World Spine Day.

October 16 is a great opportunity for chiropractors to advertise their services and find new patients. The awareness holiday can go a long way toward improving spinal health around the globe, especially if the medical community comes together and actively supports the cause for an extended period of time.

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