September is Healthy Aging Month

Small business owners aren’t the only ones who can use promotional giveaways to raise awareness for their various elements. Medical professionals can use the marketing events to generate exposure for both their practices and different causes, including health risks and strategies for staying fit.

September is a great opportunity for health care providers to hold giveaways and reach out to certain clients as the month is Healthy Aging Month, according to the American Psychological Association. The organization explains that the time is supposed to bring attention on how people age while combating the myths and misconceptions around the process.

This is a cause that the medical community should support because it affects so many patients. Seniors require a great deal of health services so doctors would do well by teaching their clients about how their bodies will change over time. The information will help seniors avoid serious health risks and improve their quality of life as they get on in years.

Encouraging appointments
Some patients need to be reminded to come in for regular appointments. Healthy Aging Month is perhaps the perfect time for doctors to reach out to their older clients and encourage them to schedule checkups or procedures.

Many unique promotional products would be effective incentives for motivating elderly patients to call and set up a time to meet with their doctors. For instance, promotional magnets are excellent options because they’ll remind clients to schedule appointments every time they go to their refrigerators. Additionally, doctors can find sponsored items that match their specialty, such as dentists distributing magnets that look like a tooth.

Alternatively, physicians can use promotional wall calendars. The items can be mailed to every senior patient and will serve as year-long reminders to visit doctors on a regular basis. Medical professionals can also include health facts and information that will help people transition into their old age. Further, important dates can be marked in all of the calendars, including National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Partnering with others
A single medical professional can’t keep a senior citizen healthy. It takes a team of health care providers to care for a single person because there are so many specialties and minute nuances to cover. Doctors should use Healthy Aging Month in order to ensure that their clients are receiving all necessary medical services by partnering with other physicians.

For instance, a general practitioner could recommend a cardiologist and oncologist to patients. Other doctors should do the same to ensure that clients are being thoroughly checked out so that small problems don’t become large health issues in the near future.

Additionally, medical professionals can partner with gyms and health clubs to encourage seniors to stay fit. Older people need to be active in order to combat issues like weight gain and high blood pressure.

Some elderly patients might be hesitant to join gyms because they feel like working out is a waste of time or others will make fun of them.

When medical professionals team with gyms and health clubs, they signal that seniors should feel comfortable doing everything that they can to stay fit and shouldn’t let their feelings dictate their actions. Doctors should contact local establishments to see if they can form partnerships and potentially develop special promotions to encourage old folks to get active.

Ultimately, Healthy Aging Month is the best chance that health care providers have to reach out to their elderly clients and help them avoid certain issues. By promoting the benefits of good health, physicians can ensure that patients are in top shape and won’t be susceptible to common effects of aging.

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