Celebrating September’s patriotic holidays

When it comes to patriotic holidays, many people think of Independence Day, Veterans Day and Presidents Day, only to forget about some others. All throughout the year there are important dates during which Americans are supposed to reflect on their heritage.

Two such holidays are in September. Patriot Day and Citizenship Day are two of the most important events of the year in the United States because they represent such important moments in history.

The former started on one of the darkest days that the country has ever seen as it commemorates the attacks of September 11, 2001. According to Time and Date, Americans should fly the stars and stripes at half-mast on this day. Patriot Day isn’t a federal holiday so businesses, schools and government offices remain open. This may be because the best way to respond to such tragedies is to continue living and not stop everything out of fear.

Citizenship Day, which is held annually on September 17, is more celebratory than Patriot because it commemorates a more joyous aspect of American life. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services explains that the day is meant to recognize everyone who is working to become a citizen or has completed the naturalization process. Additionally, September 17 is also Constitution Day because it is the anniversary of when the founding fathers signed the document in 1787.

Small business owners should do their part to help customers celebrate these patriotic holidays. Perhaps the best way to achieve that objective is to distribute promotional marketing products throughout September. Small gifts that include American imagery can help consumers celebrate their heritage all year long instead of just on September 11 and 17. Read on for a look at some of the best promotional items to give away ahead of these great holidays.

2014 Journey Through America Custom Wall Calendar
The easiest way to help clients feel patriotic every day of the year is to provide them with a reminder that they’ll actually want to keep for 12 months. Further, the gift should highlight a wide range of elements that make the U.S. such a great country. To that end, a promotional wall calendar may be the best item to distribute.

Specifically, the 2014 Journey Through America Custom Wall Calendar features a vast array of pictures from all over the U.S. Customers will be delighted to open a new page every month and see a breathtaking image of an American landscape.

Patriot Pocket Pal Calendar
In some cases, the best presents are the ones that customers can carry around with them every day. While a wall calendar can be great, it’s not exactly portable. However, that doesn’t mean small business owners have to let their clients walk around with patriotic reminders every day.

The Patriot Pocket Pal Calendar is an ideal option because anyone can bring it with them wherever they go. Whether a patron is going to work or on a lengthy international business trip, he or she can bring the promotional item to be reminded of America.


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