Promotional items help car dealerships

Car dealerships rely on various marketing techniques to attract buyers, but few are as effective as distributing promotional items. Branded gifts establish bonds between sales representatives and potential customers, which can ultimate lead to new deals and increase revenue for the enterprise.

According to Dealer Marketing Magazine, promotional marketing products are effective because they create long-term exposure for a dealership. Some consumers keep the sponsored items for years on end and develop brand recognition each time they use the gifts. For instance, a prospective client who’s given a promotional pen will learn to remember the dealership each time he or she jots down some notes.

Ultimately, these items may be the best tools for creating a memorable marketing campaign that leads to new sales. Other advertisements like social media updates, direct mail and flyers can’t match the longevity of promotional gifts. As a result, these other channels aren’t as effective for bolstering brand recognition over an extended period of time.

Dealerships that want to increase sales should consider distributing small presents to every lead. The branded products can be the difference between sales and missed opportunities.

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