Top 5 personalized business gifts for May

Personalized business gifts should be given to employees and clients to ensure they’re highly satisfied. Both workers and buyers love to receive recognition for their dedication to a single company. Business owners should go above and beyond to show how much they appreciate their valued contributors, whether they are staff members or customers. However, entrepreneurs shouldn’t distribute the same gifts every single month. After all, variety is the spice of life and presents are appreciated much more when they’re unique. To that end, here are the top five business gift ideas for May.

Harbor Personalized Tote
Everyone has places to go and people to see, and they always need to have the essentials with them during these excursions. In May, one of the best gifts small business owners can distribute is the Harbor Personalized Tote so that recipients can easily carry all of their necessities. Unlike other bags, this tote is large enough to store every item neededĀ for the day or a short business trip.

The canvas bag features an interior pocket and reinforced base. Additionally, custom imagery can be printed on one or both sides, so small business owners can emblazon their logos and recipients’ names on every gift.

Budget Stylus Pen
Stylus pens have become increasingly useful over the last few years as the ubiquity of smartphones, tablets and other touchscreen devices has proliferated. Navigating such sensitive gadgets can be difficult without the right accessories, but stylus pens haven’t always been the most budget-friendly items on the market.

Fortunately, the Budget Stylus Pen is an affordable model that small business owners can give to all of their employees, clients and other valued contributors. The stylus pen features all the functionality of more expensive versions without the hefty price tags. These models even double as traditional pens for recipients who still write on paper from time to time.

Inspirations Wall Calendar 2014
The year is almost half over, and 2014 is rapidly approaching. Starting the new year on the right foot is essential in every facet of the corporate world, and small business owners can ensure their employees and clients get off to a great start with the Inspiration Wall Calendar 2014.

The wall calendar is much more than a standard decoration. The calendar features breathtaking images on every page with inspirational quotes to keep recipients motivated to achieve their dreams. Workers and clients will cherish this gift every time they need some inspiration to make 2014 the best year yet.

12 oz. White Ceramic Travel Mug
Almost everyone starts their days with a beverage, whether it’s a refreshing bottle of water, steaming cup of coffee or anything in between. Unfortunately, many people don’t use reusable containers, which contributes to the growing pollution problem. Small business owners can help combat the environmental issue by distributing 12 oz. White Ceramic Travel Mugs as gifts.

These great presents are perfect for any beverage that employees or clients need to stay alert and active every day. The thick body will maintain the drink’s temperature while ensuring that recipients don’t freeze or burn their hands.

Camber Executive Desk Clock
In some cases, the best gifts are the ones that are both fashionable and functional. For clients and employees with their own offices, small business owners should distribute presents that are practical but also give workspaces some personality.

A Camber Executive Desk Clock is an ideal gift for someone who works in an office all day. The clock is composed of metal and glass to give it a unique design. Additionally, the exterior is adorned with circles so that it’s not just a standard desk clock.

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