Celebrate Space Day with promotional items

With May fast approaching, small business owners should start planning celebrations for Space Day. According to Holiday Insights, the holiday is always on May 1, and entrepreneurs who hold fun events on that day can set the toneĀ for the rest of the month. Consumers can be excited by intergalactic celebrations and become regular visitors throughout May.

Space Day is a relatively new holiday. According to the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force, the holiday was created in 1997 to promote the benefits of space exploration. Additionally, Space Day is meant to promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education by motivating children to aspire to exploring the final frontier.

Small business owners can celebrate Space Day by emblazoning promotional marketing products with out-of-this-world decorations. Spaceships, planets and comets can be displayed alongside corporate logos to create awareness for space travel and a small business. Promotional pens, magnets and water bottles can all be adorned with intergalactic symbols for Space Day.

Consumers notice businesses that distribute unique promotional products and have fun on holidays like Space Day. An exciting giveaway on May 1 can help an independent company reach the stars by attracting new customers.

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