Use promotional items to celebrate Grandparents Day

The first Sunday following Labor Day was officially designated “National Grandparents Day” by the president. This is an important holiday that deserves to be celebrated. Grandparents should be recognized for helping shepherd multiple generations of a family.

According to CBS47 in Fresno, there are over 70 million grandparents in the United States. Each of them should be honored in some way on this day. Businesses can build awareness for the holiday by giving away promo items to their customers.

Simple gifts like pens, mugs and tote bags would show appreciation for a favorite nana or grandpa. If the customers are grandparents themselves, they might be happy to know that the business they frequent cares.

Small gifts may not show grandfathers and grandmothers how much they mean to their families, but they could be a good start. Companies could raise the visibility of their brand and of the holiday by acknowledging it with fun, functional giveaways.

Since so few people are away of the holiday, businesses might find it to their benefit to tie their promotional giveaways to the date because so many others may miss it.

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