Promote voting and a business

Voting is a right that has been afforded to Americans since the birth of the United States. Citizens have a say in how they are governed, and thus should use their voice to help run the nation. Unfortunately, not everyone makes use of their vote. According to the United States Census Bureau, the last four presidential elections barely eclipsed 60 percent turnouts among eligible voters.

Businesses can help raise those numbers and promote their brand as well. Promotional products could feature American flags and corporate logos to advertise while building awareness for the election.

Generally promoting the patriotic nature of voting could appeal to more people than endorsing a party or candidate. Attaching stars and stripes to logo ink pens may be a more effective method of raising brand visibility because it will not alienate any potential consumers. Marking the election date on a promotional calendar could also be an easy way to indicate the importance of voting to customers.

American symbols on promotional items can help businesses market themselves and encourage voters to develop a sense of civic pride.

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