Small businesses can target clients with promotional flash drives

Custom flash drives are a useful way for small businesses to increase visibility with desired clients. USB flash drives are compact, rewritable, portable and contain a high capacity for data storage. Today in the technology-based workplace, USB drives can be indispensable for workers traveling to a variety of locations to access documents, presentations and training modules. Companies focusing on tech or web-based clients will find flash drives imprinted with company logos are effective marketing tools. Consider the following industries and settings where thumb drives can be used to raise awareness of company services.

Web designers
Because web-based design encompasses aspects of digital art and computer programming, promotional USB drives make excellent corporate gifts. Companies engaged in software development or web protocols can pre-load drives with tutorials or trial versions of software applications.

Writers and editors
Writers and editors engaged in high volume content development know the horror of re-working a draft five times only to have the document disappear into thin air. A USB drive is a great gift for people in the writing industry, and is sure to get plenty of use. If a company employs a content development firm, custom flash drives are a sure way to deepen that relationship.

Legal offices
Legal offices are high stress environments filled with paperwork and tight deadlines. Teamwork dominates these settings, and one lost document can throw a wrench in the inner workings of the entire office. Work documents need to be portable and readily accessible in court settings. A company serving litigators can gain attention by affixing its logos on USB flash drives, perhaps custom loading digital business cards and a direct link to the company website.

Many businesses today bring in consultants for training, management maximization and quality control. The best consultants are likely to be traveling nationally or internationally. Think about the visibility a business may receive if a consultant’s data is saved on a flash drive adorned with its logo. When seen by clients, this promotional gift may represent the consultant’s approval of the company’s services.

At recruitment events or expo fairs
A promotional USB drive can be given directly to potential employees at recruitment events or to potential clients at promotional expositions. For small businesses, these events are likely to be staffed by human resources representatives and the management team. Companies should look to these events not only as an opportunity to meet and attract new clients, but also as the perfect opportunity to establish and present a clear brand identity. Companies can pre-load informational and promotional documents onto flash drives. Potential employees can gain insight into a company’s mission and procedures, whereas new clients can better understand company’s services and initiatives. A paperless option is effective for companies wanting to associate themselves with green business.

Samples for potential clients
Promotional items should have some relationships to what the company does. USB flash drives are effective for putting marketing content in the hands of desired clients and can even be used to offer product samples to companies. For instance, a company providing web-based images for clients could provide a sample set of stock images watermarked to protect copyrights. Companies can also load flash drives with company data to target potential investors or company partners.

Flash drives containing corporate logos and pre-loaded with company information can lead to significant improvements in client relations. These drives show that a company is tech savvy and concerned about the environment and these aspects can be taken advantage of for company marketing.

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