March is National Frozen Food Month

Frozen food is one of the many different themes of the month of March. Though other designations like National Umbrella Month cater to more lucrative subjects like weather, frozen food caters to the one thing that nearly every person likes to do – eat. If a small business wishes to project a fun, entertaining brand image, they should implement a promotional advertising strategy that takes advantage of potential clients’ appetites.

There are many different promotional products that can accomplish this goal. For example, custom coffee mugs can feature recipes on how to make ice cream treats using the mug as a container. A brand image or message that is emblazoned on the side of the cup will be seen every time someone follows the recipe, or whenever someone takes a sip. This high rate of visibility may improve brand recognition and company reputation.

If a company wants to push the boundaries of promotional marketing, it might consider incorporating frozen food directly into giveaways. The same coffee mugs can be stuffed with frozen treats and given out at a tradeshow. However, they should only be distributed at the end of the day, because otherwise they might melt over the course of the presentation.

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