Get people active around Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is getting closer, and families can’t wait to eat all of their favorite foods once the holiday arrives. Everyone has a dish that they can’t say no to multiple helpings of, whether it’s turkey or pumpkin pie or anything in between.

Though the myth of significant holiday weight gain has been debunked by doctors, CNN reports that the average American packs on an additional two pounds over Thanksgiving weekend. People can also develop poor eating habits that last all winter long that lead to future health problems.

For gyms, advertising near Thanksgiving can be a great opportunity to find potential clients who want to stay fit or shed those extra pounds. It’s important for fitness centers to raise visibility through promotional advertising before there is an increase in demand so consumers know where to go for their daily exercise.

How to make giveaways work
Handing out promotional gifts is a popular advertising tactic for small businesses that want to increase their client bases. It’s tough for anyone to turn down free goods, especially if they can be used regularly. Gyms can capitalize on the functionality of small promotional products by picking out the best giveaways for consumers.

Some people want to speak with trainers before they join an athletic center – they have concerns about pricing and available services. Even the best staff can struggle to make a lasting impression with these potential customers, but branded gifts minimize the chances of leads forgetting about a gym. If every inquiring consumer receives a logo ink pen and a promotional notepad to take notes during a question-and-answer session, he or she could develop brand recognition while considering various fitness options.

Promotional items can increase customer retention rates as well. Gym-goers want to feel appreciated for staying loyal to one establishment. Trainers can give their best clients a complimentary water bottle for sticking with their fitness regimens or pocket calendars to keep track of daily exercise routines. When customers use these gifts outside of the gym, they’ll be advertising to anyone who is looking for a new fitness center.

Functional, branded gifts create a long-lasting marketing campaign for owners and trainers who have to stretch their advertising budgets. Giveaways before Thanksgiving can pump up business as consumers try to stay in shape.

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