Study: Promotional products less expensive, more effective than TV, digital ads

It’s a safe bet that most, if not all, of your customers are connected to the digital world in some way. Whether it’s the smartphones in their pockets or the new wave of wearable gadgets that track fitness information, technology has changed the way that many consumers spend their money. This rapid shift from analog to digital has sent an equally large number of marketing professionals scurrying to grab their piece of the technological pie before it’s too late.

But what about your small business that can’t compete with the big names when it comes to digital advertising? How are you supposed to make a name for yourself online if there’s no space left? According to a recent study conducted by the American Specialties Institute, marketing strategies that use promotional products are not only more effective at generating brand recognition, but they’re also much less expensive than television and magazine print ads. If you’ve been looking for a way to give your small business a boost to start next year, revisiting your promotional products strategy might be a good first step.

Making friends, saving money
One of the advantages that digital advertising holds over promotional products is sheer range – unless you have unlimited funds to spend, your small business will never reach the number of potential consumers with physical objects as a targeted radio or television campaign. However, ASI’s findings may indicate that the size of the audience is less important than the way they are contacted.

Through 4,294 surveys in major and mid-market cities across the U.S., Europe and Mexico, ASI found that promotional products generate powerful and long-lasting impressions of brands. Consumers who were given a piece of outerwear, such as coats or hats, recalled the brand 88 percent of the time. Moreover, the average individual kept promotional products at least 6 months and possibly as long as a year. If your customers wear a branded jacket just a few days out of each month, your small business is boosting visibility every time.

ASI also noted that, for the impact made on consumers, promotional products and specialty advertising feature the most bang for the buck when compared to digital campaigns. A commercial during prime-time TV slots will cost about 2.4 cents per impression, while a national magazine ad will run your small business about 1.8 cents each. However, promotional products rest at just 0.6 cents per impression – a low price given the staying power of most giveaways.

Give the right products
Promotional products might offer small businesses with tight budgets more flexibility when it comes to laying out their marketing campaigns, but for the best results, you’ll want to choose giveaways that make sense for your brand and your consumers.

The ASI study explained that, among U.S. consumers, branded bags create the most impressions due to their use in public places and ease of customization. However, the functionality of the item also made a big difference in how long the average consumer would be keep it around. That’s why Myron’s City Scape Promotional Tote is the perfect example of advertising form meeting consumer function – you can emblazon your brand across the tote’s 38-square-inch imprint area, and your customers can use the bag’s internal and external storage pouches for easy access to whatever they need on the go.

Every marketing campaign includes a certain amount of risk, which is why you need to go with the style and products that give you the best chance at success. If you take promotional products as seriously as your customers, you could see a big difference in sales to start the new year.

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