Why tangible products are key to marketing success

As a small business owner, marketing your brand can seem straightforward. After all, you know the community and you might even be friends with many of your customers.

If it really were that easy, though, small businesses would become big ones overnight. Marketing your brand is much more complicated than it may seem, with ins and outs that you might not expect. One of the biggest obstacles to advertising your small business is simply choosing how to do it. Digital marketing has become the gold standard in recent years, but as several experts point out, promotional giveaways that get a concrete representation of your brand into the hands of your customers can be more impactful than you realize.

Physical advertising is far from dead
Every few years, pundits loudly exclaim that physical advertising, such as pamphlets, brochures or even promotional giveaways, is an obsolete way to market your small business. While smartphones and tablets are ubiquitous in the modern world, this doesn’t mean that customers have forgotten the power of a concrete promotion.

According to health care marketing firm Health Style Press, 70 percent of Americans and 69 percent of the 18- to 24-year-old demographic prefer to read information on paper more than online. Despite the fact that young and old consumers continue to adopt new technology at a rising pace, people still prefer the tangible to the virtual. You shouldn’t just ignore physical media because digital has become the top dog in the race.

Where should you use physical marketing?
If you think you can just roll up to a trade show with some brochures or canvas the neighborhood with pamphlets, you’re probably going to be looking at some low sales numbers at the end of the quarter. Physical marketing might not be dead, but small business owners still need to find engaging ways to connect with consumers and break through digital white noise.

Promotional giveaways offer some of the most intriguing ways to get your brand into the hands of your consumers, and Business 2 Community explained that trade shows are a great opportunity for this. You’ll want your promotional giveaways to include as much information without dragging on, though, which is why Myron’s Regatta Horizons Pocket Pal® Calendar with Notepad is a great product to give out a trade shows. You can even customize the pocket calendar with your brand on the front and small messages on the inside pages that your customers will read every time they open their giveaway up to scribble down some notes.

Don’t limit yourself
Small business owners who are new to marketing their brands often fall into a trap of paying strictly for paper-based products that include written information. While this is a perfectly safe strategy, you can elevate your business in the eyes of consumers by offering them promotional giveaways that make their lives a little easier.

Products like Myron’s Promotional King of the Road Travel Bag is a perfect fit to give out at trade shows because many attendees have likely traveled long distances to be there and could use a small bag to organize their travel essentials. With your business’ brand emblazoned on the front, your customers will come to equate peace of mind and ease during stressful periods of travel with your company.

Regardless of how you choose to market your business, promotional giveaways that give customers a concrete representation of your brand should be at the top of your list.

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