3 ways to integrate promotional products in your social media campaigns

Social networks are some of the most important and influential tools small businesses have at their disposal. While several sites have features specifically tailored to businesses that may cost a small fee to utilize, the majority of these networks are free for companies to join and develop profiles for.

Chances are, your business currently manages one or more social networks. Joining these sites and setting up basic profiles are simple, but developing enriching content that will inspire consumers to interact with your brand may be more difficult. One of the best ways to garner a greater virtual following and get consumers speaking to your brand is by posting about promotional giveaways that can be accessed through the various sites.

According to the Pew Research Internet Project, more than 73 percent of online adults are active on at least one social network, and 42 percent of those on the Internet use more than one. While many of these platforms target similar audiences, each individual site offers benefits and features that are unique from its social media sisters.

As you start examining your social network strategies, consider the following ways promotional products can greatly improve you chances of connecting to consumers.

1. Instagram
The photo-sharing site has exploded in popularity since its creation in 2010. Currently, Instagram has more than 200 million active monthly users, many of which are young adults and those under the age of 18. If you’re searching for ways to reach consumers on this site, it’s important to appeal to the younger demographic while showing the characteristics of your brand. With this site, consider promoting a contest among Instagram followers, asking them to post an image relating to your business. Ask participants to use a hashtag pertaining to your company to easily classify entries. Be sure to promote a prize that relates to the industry, picking a promotional giveaway that will remind consumers of your brand.

2. Vine
Though Vine has only been a player in the social network game for little over a year and a half, it has emerged as one of the most influential social sites on the Web. Popular users on this site have millions of followers, many of which revine or save favorite clips. Posters on Vine may only post six-second videos that loop endlessly, so adventurous businesses who wish to join should be sure to strap on their thinking caps when developing creative clips. If you’re searching for ways to promote products on this site, consider posing a similar challenge to the one from Instagram. Choose a product your brand sells and develop a Vine that demonstrates a creative use for that item. Then, ask followers to develop their own six-second film using the product. Consider giving the winner an item that will help them develop more vines in the future, such as a Custom Soft Phone Case that features your business’ logo.

3. Facebook
While many other social networks have emerged as frontrunners in the social network popularity competition, Facebook remains the most popular site among online adults, with Pew reporting that more than 71 percent of this demographic is active on the site. Since this site reaches a vast array of ages, locations and people, it’s important to generate content that any consumer who happens upon your page can use. Instead of offering a competition, consider distributing online coupons to followers. Present a digital coupon that consumers can redeem in stores, adding that the first 10 customers who mention the Facebook deal will receive a complementary promotional product.

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