Inspire staff to pursue their goals

Dare Day, a holiday with an unknown past according to Holiday Insights, is celebrated June 1. Companies can use this holiday as an opportunity to challenge people, daring them to step outside their comfort zone and reach for their personal and work goals. In an office setting, Dare Day can ignite a company-wide effort for self-improvement. It would be fun to create a challenge for the whole office or allow staff members to set their own goals.

Getting Fit
It’s common for offices to hold fitness challenges to encourage healthy living and weight maintenance. Consider handing out sports bottles to employees in the beginning of the month. There are many options for shapes, sizes and materials including those with screw tops like the Kona Stainless Steel Sports Bottle or plastic bottles with filters and straws such as the Cool Gear Pure Bottle. Purchasing water bottles for the staff may also cut down on the number of plastic bottles used around the office, which in turn reduces landfill waste. A dual-purpose gift!

Personalized and promotional lightweight backpacks are also a great way of encouraging employees to get outside and exercise when they leave the office. With a small cloth bag like the Fold Up Backpack or Promotional Drawstring Backpack, people can bring their gym sneakers and a change of clothes anywhere without having to maneuver a large, cumbersome bag. Both of those backpacks are offered in an array of colors and it’s easy to add the company name to either, meaning employees are always showing the brand off.

To keep track of how many hours they work out in the month and time sets of exercises, employees may like Right on Time Promotional Watches. The watch comes in eight different colors and can be personalized with a company logo or slogan.

Personal goals
Other goals people may set for themselves on Dare Day are to eat healthier or spend less money. A pocket calendar for each employee can help individuals set goals and deadlines to stay on track throughout June if they would like to dare themselves to take on an entirely different challenge.

It may be easier to stick to a healthy diet if people bring lunch and snacks from home. This way, portions can be controlled and food options aren’t limited to what restaurants near the office are serving. Employees who take on the dare to bring lunch from home can receive a lunch bag for easy transport. The Custom Insulated Lunch Bag or Koozie Fun Lunch Cooler would be great Dare Day gifts because they are spacious and can keep food cold longer than a brown bag. Check out the latter in blue or red, featuring a front slip pocket for napkins or utensils. Packing a lunch at home can also support the goal to spend less money.

It’s often much more affordable to buy groceries and make lunch ahead of time than stopping by a local restaurant during the lunch break. Another way for employees to keep a bit more money in their pockets is by bringing coffee from home rather than buying lattes during the day. Consider giving employees a to-go mug so they can keep filling it with coffee from the office. Check out the Custom Tumbler With A Color Twist Lid in four colors or the Curve Travel Tumbler in black or white.

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